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  1. EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2024-01

    Here is some background on the benefit plan guidance provided by the government: In late 2024 the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) and Treasury departments jointly issued a rule (referred to as the “Joint Notice”) extending cert...
  2. HSA Investment Performance and Fact Sheets

    The Sentinel HSA is a simple way to create a smart HSA investment strategy. Your initial funds will be allocated to the HSA default fund, the HCB Interest Bearing Account. Once your account balance exceeds $1,000, you may allocate HSA funds to oth...
  3. Setting Up Health Savings Brokerage Account

    Some plans offer additional investment options for your HSA through a Brokerage Account through Charles Schwab. This option allows you to select investment options outside of the core investments offered by your plan. This allows for more flexibilit...
  4. Change Investments - HSA

    Once you have funds allocated to the investments within your HSA you will be able to change your investments and allocation percentages.  1.   Log In to your online account. If you cannot remember your log in or need help with the log in process, ...
  5. Set Up Your HSA Investments

    You will need to maintain a minimum of $1,000.00 in the default cash investment. Once your balance is above the required minimum you may elect to move some of your funds into the investment options available within your plan.  In order to set up y...
  6. HSA Investment Options

    The Sentinel HSA is a simple way to create a smart HSA investment strategy. Your initial funds will be allocated to the HSA default fund, the HCB Interest Bearing Account. Once your account balance exceeds $1,000, you may allocate HSA funds to oth...
  7. What to do with your retirement account after you leave your job

    If you’ve lost your job, or are changing jobs, you may be wondering what to do with your retirement account. To help you make the best decision for you, we have provided a summary of advantages and disadvantages for each option to help you think a...
  8. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and Rollovers

    If a rollover distribution is requested in a year when a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) must be taken, no portion of the account is eligible for rollover until the RMD has been made to the participant for that calendar year. The distribution ...
  9. Personalized Investing FAQs

    What is Personalized Investing? Personalized Investing is a professionally managed, fully digital investment strategy that makes investing easier for you. Exactly as the name implies, personalized investing takes key financial and demographic d...
  10. Submitting an Online Claim

    Submitting your claim online is the quickest and easiest way to be reimbursed from your plan. You will know immediately that Sentinel has received your claim and you can upload the required substantiation right in your portal.  To ensure that you...